Current Extreme E competitors have thrown their weight behind the championship’s transition to Extreme H following the launch of the hydrogen-powered Pioneer 25.
Covers came off the car at an event held on the series’ showpiece St. Helena ship – which handles the series’ logistics and serves as a central hub for the championship – on the River Thames in London on Thursday, and bosses of the 2024 Extreme E participants responded with acclaim.
“This new era of motorsport is exciting to witness,” said Kimmo Liimatainen, team principal of the two-time champion and current points-leading Rosberg X Racing team. “The launch of Extreme H is a natural step forward, improving technology and racing while keeping Extreme E’s core values in the race against climate change.
“Our team’s current focus remains on this season of Extreme E and hopefully securing our third championship, but Extreme H is an exciting venture for all of us to consider.”
Carlos Sainz, whose Acciona Sainz team is currently second in the points, added, “Venturing into hydrogen is a really exciting prospect for our series. It is all about pioneering new paths into sustainable mobility and this championship is unique in the sense that it puts the latest technology to the test in the toughest environments in the world. Hydrogen has a future both on the road but also in racing. Extreme H will be a world-first and a key steppingstone into that tomorrow.”
While hydrogen is a new solution for motorsport, particularly in the off-road arena – as Sainz alluded to – the championship will look to serve the further development of the technology for wider applications. It’s something that NEOM McLaren managing director Ian James believes is a big draw for the series as it evolves.
“As a team that currently competes in the Extreme E Championship, we’ve been excited to see the plans for Extreme H take shape,” he said. “We believe that this is a great direction for the championship – tapping into a new technology that is currently underrepresented within motorsport.
“Hydrogen provides a genuine solution for the future of mobility and Extreme H will provide an exciting platform to showcase its potential. Coupled with its unmatched focus on equality, the championship continues to be a pioneer in motorsport. We will watch further developments with interest.”
While most teams have been coy on their actual commitment to the rebranded series from next season so far – aside from SUN Minimeal, whose CEO Wolfgang Grabher said, “We are excited to be part of the first hydrogen-powered motorsport championship and believe in the future of hydrogen” – all are upbeat at the direction that the four-year-old series is taking.
“It is great to see the plans and first car for the Extreme H championship unveiled, for what is a landmark moment for motorsport,” said E.ON Next Veloce Racing CEO Dan Bailey. “E.ON Next Veloce Racing always supports innovation, which is exactly why we got involved in Extreme E from the very beginning.
“Hydrogen is a key pillar for the future of the automotive industry, and we’re excited and supportive of the future plans for the championship and its hydrogen-powered future.”
Roger Griffiths, Andretti Altawkilat Extreme E, team principal, added, “As we continue to explore sustainable innovations in motorsport, we commend the launch of Extreme H and its ambitious move towards hydrogen-powered racing.
“At Andretti Global, we have always supported initiatives that push the boundaries of technology while prioritizing environmental interests. The development of green hydrogen as a fuel source represents an exciting advancement in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, and we look forward to seeing how Extreme H will inspire further progress and innovation within motorsport and beyond.”
Jenson Button, who raced in the first season of Extreme E and has continued to support the championship with his JBXE team
Extreme H – Viitorul Motorsportului Ecologic
Transformarea campionatului Extreme E în Extreme H a stârnit un val de entuziasm printre pasionații motorsportului. Această schimbare îndrăzneață a fost salutată cu bucurie de către campioni precum Lewis Hamilton și Jimmie Johnson.
Opțiunea Pentru Hidrogen
Lewis Hamilton a fost impresionat să vadă un campionat atât de tânăr să facă un pas atât de îndrăzneț. „Transformarea Extreme E în Extreme H este incredibil de excitantă și un pas genial înainte într-un timp atât de scurt pentru acest campionat,” a declarat el. „Să vezi curse de o asemenea calitate alimentate de celule de combustibil cu hidrogen, care vor permite și mai multe curse cu un impact mai mic, este remarcabil.”
Jimmi Johnson, campion de șapte ori în seria NASCAR Cup, care s-a alăturat Extreme E în acest sezon cu echipa sa Legacy Motor Club, a adăugat că această schimbare va determina alte serii să fie atente și să ia notă. „Acesta este un campionat cu gândire înainte și evoluția către hidrogen și Extreme H este atât de inovatoare,” a spus el. „Din punct de vedere tehnic, trecerea la hidrogen în 2025 este cu adevărat intrigantă și întreaga comunitate motorsportivă urmărește cu atenție, iar noi suntem nerăbdători să facem parte din acest proces.”
Angajamentul Red Bull față de Extreme H
Odată cu dezvăluirea noului model de mașină și anunțarea calendarului Extreme H, care va găzdui 10 curse în cinci locații din Orientul Mijlociu, Europa și SUA, Red Bull și-a consolidat angajamentul față de acest campionat devenind sponsorul oficial de băuturi energizante al Extreme H. Compania Red Bull a fost un susținător de lungă durată al multor participanți la Extreme E. Din cei 16 piloți care au concurat în Extreme E în acest sezon, nouă beneficiază în prezent de sprijinul brandului austriac de băuturi energizante, în timp ce alți doi au fost sponsorizați de acesta în trecut.